Thursday, November 18, 2010

Boosting Your Immunity Against Flu and Colds

More tools for the toolbox:

  1. Perelandra Drops (specific to seasonal flu and pandemic flu) - a whole new way of working with healing energies called "Co-Creative Science", the science of working in conscious co-operation with the intelligence of nature.

  2. Echinacea/astragalus tincture

  3. Elderberry syrup as directed for prevention (Sambu Guard) - good for children

  4. NAC supplement (Nutriclean) N-acetylcysteine is a stable form of the amino acid cysteine and a powerful antioxidant) In addition to fighting viral infections, it helps to combat exercise-induced damage to muscle tissue, detoxify the liver, build connective tissue, and combat the effects of age. Food sources for cysteine include poultry, yogurt, oats, wheat germ, egg yolks, red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, and brussel sprouts.

  5. Colonic (done by a professional) - passes purified water over UV light to alkalize and then bathes and flushes the colon.

  6. Oxy Powder - an oxygen based intestinal cleaner (oxygen, magnesium)for small and large intestine - take in the eve on empty stomach and expect a bowel movement in the am.

  7. Colloidal Silver (Wellness)

  8. Ashwaganda - immune-building adaptogen herb

  9. Turmeric - herb that enhances digestive function, heals the villi and increases bile and lymphatic flow

  10. Green Tea has antibacterial properties

  11. Energy Techniques

  • Tap K-27 Points (acupuncture point that affects all the meridians located at the 2 soft spots just below the collarbone) This tapping activates a sequence of responses sending electrochemical impulses to your brain and releasing neurotransmitters that will energize you when you are feeling tired and will focus you if you are having trouble concentrating.

  • Cross Crawl - march lifting knees and crossing arm over to opposite knee for 30 sec to 1 min. This movement helps the crossover of energy between the left and right hemispheres of the brain to help you feel more energized, think more clearly and be better coordinated.

Here are some habits and simple solutions that are good for general health and will boost your immunity:

  1. Get the amount of sleep your body needs

  2. Get outside, connected with nature and move the body

  3. Avoid sugar, processed foods and artificial sweeteners - sugar is well known to hinder your immune system

  4. Reduce alcohol and caffeine

  5. Eat garlic, ginger and other power foods (fruits and veggies)

  6. Exercise wisely (don't overdo either - can be a form of stress)

  7. Eat organic food limiting your exposure to added hormones, pesticides and other toxins

  8. Chew your food - make it easier for your body to assimilate nutrients

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Using Movement and Relaxation to Reconnect with Ourselves

When you are using breath work, whether your still or moving, things can come to life. We have to remember that traumas, early beliefs and pain from injuries can get stored in our tissues. Either we never dealt with the situation, it's left over "junk", or some other reason. I realized this in an episode years ago where I went to a chiropractor because my neck was stuck in a position. After he "broke the tension" I started crying (for no apparent reason at the time) and couldn't stop for a couple of hours. I realized it was stored grief I had been holding onto for 3 years. In other works, my body had to stop me in my tracks (by stopping neck movement) to address the grief and work through it. And then I asked myself, "How else has this grief been affecting my life?" or "How has my body been trying to tell me there was some grief to let go of before the neck?"
But in any case, this stored junk can hinder your movement, your relaxation, and your life in general. So it is helpful to check out what is your body saying to you (and don't wait 3 years to listen!). Some people can listen to their body better when they are moving. Some need to sit still in a quiet setting. I find sometimes I need the movement and sometimes I need the sitting and they kind of work together.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Closer Look at Gluten

So many people are sensitive to gluten these days. Did you get my newsletter this month that covers the topic briefly? If not, send me an email at and I will forward a copy. If you did read it, I would love to hear any comments or questions you have.