Monday, September 30, 2013

You: The Highest Return on Investment

This summer I made an effort to take some time in order to get myself in a healthier state.  You see, once you have an autoimmune condition, you never really get ‘cured’ but you can heal and diminish your symptoms.  I invested in my health.

There’s nothing more rewarding than reaping the benefits of your own stocks. For me that means continually setting patterns for a long life of health and wellness. And I know that my investment now will give me enhanced energy, vitality and longevity, and increased mental clarity as I grow (older, I suppose!).

I needed to focus on moving into a place of self-advancement, honoring my worth as an investment so to speak. I know that in doing so, it will make me feel more valuable, deserving, and ready for even more challenges. The leap will, by nature, encourage me to step forward away from fear and into belief in my body’s ability to heal. My investment symbolizes my belief in myself. And you, your health, your self-advancement are as worthy as mine.

We care for our homes to increase their value. We mow the lawn, paint inside and out, patch the leaky roof and weed the garden. We do the same for our cars—filling them with the right type of gas, checking the oil, rotating the tires and once in a while giving them a good ‘cleaning’ with a car wash or vacuum. But what does it mean to do this for ourselves? What does it mean to stop looking for the quick fix that never truly solves the problem or addresses it at its root cause, but invest time or money in those things that can support, stretch and guide us to our desired goals and beyond. An investment increases value and worth, not to mention self-value and self-worth.

Interestingly, one of the definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary for investment is the act of giving time or effort to a particular task in order to make it successful. So lets replace the part of the definition that says ‘particular task’ with ‘myself’.  Do you want to be more successful in your health, longevity, performance, parenting skills, relationships, and everything else?

What support do you need right now to get to that healthier you?

My big investment in myself this summer was a program similar to Body Blast Detox.

I found that there’s a strong community committed to their health, wellness and gain­ing knowledge and power throughout the detox and all it has to offer. I learned new patterns of eating and living, new recipes that will stick with me, and I found a healthier sense of me.

This experiential program provides the opportunity to dive into detox together.

Join me for this online program—you can participate right from the comfort of your home—no matter where you are around the globe.  We are just starting up this week so its not too late!

Online Kick-off Class Audio has been recorded.  You will have access to this and other resources once you register.
Group Detox Dates: Thursday, October 3rd–Sunday, October 27th

25 days just for you! You’ll enjoy healing and nourishing foods that will transform your body and lifestyle so you can…
  • ·       decrease inflammation 
  • ·       enhance physical performance 
  • ·       boost mental clarity 
  • ·       manage weight loss 
  • ·       create your blueprint for a lifetime of healthy living!

Let me know if you have any questions!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Olive You

For thousands of years and across myriad cultures and mythologies, the olive tree has been synonymous with peace and prosperity. And so are the fruits and oils from this tree.

I think of olive oil as our No. 1 dietary pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent.

Freshly pressed extra-virgin olive oil contains a compound that has the same pharmacological impact as ibuprofen.  It seems too easy!  One tablespoon of olive oil may be a better curative for those spasms and tenderness that typically leave you reaching for the plastic white bottle of NSAIDs.

This same molecule, called oleocanthal, is what’s said to be at the core of the great health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, a diet like we explore in Body Blast Detox, the anti-inflammatory detox to promote anti-aging and pro-longevity.

Trying to include both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant rich agents, such as olive oil, really does allow us to turn back the hands of time or at least slow them down! This means olive oil will be one of the most important tools in our toolkit for Body Blast Detox.

Yet like all foods, there are some guidelines for keeping the good efforts in check to insure the most potent health benefits. In other words, the wrong choices could send your good intentions in the wrong direction.

Olive oil contains a cocktail of hundreds of beneficial and anti-inflammatory agents.  If that sparks your interest,  join me for the upcoming Body BlastDetox

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What is your body trying to tell you? Are you listening?

I know you haven’t heard from me a while.  I took a couple months to step back and look where I was heading and to take some time for my own health and growth. 

I know that many of us deal with different health symptoms that sometimes can drag us down for a few days.  Others have chronic symptoms that can drag us down for months and even years.  Both stink.

Symptoms can be all over the body or in one locale, ranging from fatigue, joint aches, headaches, skin irritations or changes, extra body weight (especially around the middle).  The list goes on and on.  Your body uses symptoms to announce that something is awry and to say “Please listen to me.”  Sometimes it skips the ‘please’ and just yells at you.

Our first reaction is to get rid of the symptoms.  Sometimes we use painkillers and anti-inflammatories to quell the symptoms.  This reaction can mask what’s really going on in the body and can drive the problem deeper into the body or allow the problem or condition to progress.  We can turn that around and use the symptoms to help us get to the root of the problem.  A symptom always has a root cause.

Take for instance the symptom of extra weight.  There are so many reasons why someone may hang onto extra pounds: sluggish digestive system, inactivity, food sensitivities, attitude towards stress, stagnated lymph (detox) system, overworked liver (too many toxins to process) ...  Only getting to the root of what is going on will help the weight management.  Work on the root of the problem and the pounds will whittle away.

When we feel a symptom crop up, lets look at it as a signal.  What is your body trying to tell you? 

Then we get to the nitty gritty and explore to find the root cause.  It’s not always easy or straightforward, sometimes is a trial and error process, and always is different for everyone.

Think about it and maybe change your attitude towards symptoms.
