Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What is your body trying to tell you? Are you listening?

I know you haven’t heard from me a while.  I took a couple months to step back and look where I was heading and to take some time for my own health and growth. 

I know that many of us deal with different health symptoms that sometimes can drag us down for a few days.  Others have chronic symptoms that can drag us down for months and even years.  Both stink.

Symptoms can be all over the body or in one locale, ranging from fatigue, joint aches, headaches, skin irritations or changes, extra body weight (especially around the middle).  The list goes on and on.  Your body uses symptoms to announce that something is awry and to say “Please listen to me.”  Sometimes it skips the ‘please’ and just yells at you.

Our first reaction is to get rid of the symptoms.  Sometimes we use painkillers and anti-inflammatories to quell the symptoms.  This reaction can mask what’s really going on in the body and can drive the problem deeper into the body or allow the problem or condition to progress.  We can turn that around and use the symptoms to help us get to the root of the problem.  A symptom always has a root cause.

Take for instance the symptom of extra weight.  There are so many reasons why someone may hang onto extra pounds: sluggish digestive system, inactivity, food sensitivities, attitude towards stress, stagnated lymph (detox) system, overworked liver (too many toxins to process) ...  Only getting to the root of what is going on will help the weight management.  Work on the root of the problem and the pounds will whittle away.

When we feel a symptom crop up, lets look at it as a signal.  What is your body trying to tell you? 

Then we get to the nitty gritty and explore to find the root cause.  It’s not always easy or straightforward, sometimes is a trial and error process, and always is different for everyone.

Think about it and maybe change your attitude towards symptoms.


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